Special Four-Pack of programs (Everything on this page).
For any operating system, PC, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS...
"Get it now" $19.95 (orange button) immediate download.
This is a reduced size image of purchase program...
Now you can find, design and hear millions of chords and Scales, Print Everything!
in Standard and alternative tunings. Programs use scientifically designed algorithm to extrapolate chords using your input parameters...
root note, chord variety, tuning, fretboard position, finger span on fretboard, alternate bass note, using open strings.
Design your own printable chord charts.
Or click notes in and out on the fretboard and find the names of any unknown chords.
This new sound program comes with an additional check-box and listen-clicker.
This enables individual notes and/or strum chord on mouseover of notes or one-shot chord when you click "listen".
Generator Four
comes with a built in Ear Training Device.
To use it: Click "clear" then click "perfect pitch" and the program will sound a random note.
You can guess what the note is by clicking on the fretboard.
If you are correct, it will show a green dot.
If you are wrong, it will show a red dot where you clicked and a blue dot where the correct note actually was.
If you have the right note but in the wrong octave, it will show purple dots in both spots.
Easy to use guitar tablature generating program, also play and hear any tab instantly at any speed,
make your own tabs of chords, scales, songs notes etc. then click "play" and hear your masterpiece in a variety of different instrument sounds.
Or use the internet to get your favorite music in tablature, click and paste it into text work area and hear what it's supposed to sound like (Or slow it down to any speed you're comfortable with and keep the correct pitch).
This is ideal for figuring out those tricky fingerings by seeing it and hearing it in real time. Comes with a specially designed Tab Splicer... (see below)
Tab Splicer... use with Tab Generator above
allows you to take any four string line tab and tack another line of Tab on the end without having to cut and paste it individually string by string.
Need to know why...? Why splice?
Make a comprehensive list of chords from any scale, even your own...
A must for songwriters or anyone wanting to delve into music theory. Easily enter any scale root note and number of notes used in chord and get a list of all possible chords from that scale in any key.
Also shows Root and interval pattern (R357) used to derive actual formation of the chord.
If you are writing a song and have some chords that sound nice together and need more... you Set the root note then click in the notes of the chords you are using and it displays all other chords in that key and scale!
Vocalist Singing Trainer...
Program has over 200 scales to sing along with. Also has special 'Doremifaso' function that sounds five notes up and down in any scale, key or chord.
Make your own blank chord diagrams, any size!
Are you sick and tired of drawing out that 4x4 tic-tac-toe grid whenever you need to make your own chord diagrams...? look no further...This program will create any number of blank chord diagrams (rows times columns) showing any number of frets and strings in different colors and size for any instrument. Built in "Click-to-print" comes on ever page.
Here's an easy way to make your keyboard player jealous... All chord voicings are shown full spread. It has a built in perfect pitch ear training device and musical note display.
Vocalists can set the program to sound a scale note at variable amounts of time (one second, 1/2, 1/4, 1/10) to sing along with as a training exercise.
(make sure you practice singing also)
Get this Special Four-Pack of programs for PC or Mac
(that's everything on this sample page)
right now, immediate download...