:ClLCD :Disp "cranwell@yahoo.com" :Degree :Disp "Use 0 (zero) if side'" :Disp "or angleô unknown." :Disp "Possibilities=" :Disp "Aô Bô(a'or b'or c')" :Disp "Aô b' c'" :Disp "a' b' c'" :Disp "Aô a' b' (ambig)" :Lbl A :Input "Aô=",A:0üP:0üX:0üY:0üZ :If Aø0:Then :Input "Bô=",B:Else:0üB:End :Input "c'=",Z:If (Z*B)==0 :Input "b'=",Y:If A(Y*B+Z)==0 :Input "a'=",X:If A==0:Then :cosñ ((Yò+Zò-Xò)/(2*Y*Z))üA:cosñ ((Zò+Xò-Yò)/(2*X*Z))üB:Goto NEW:End :If Aø0 and B==0:Then:If Xø0:401üP:Disp P :If Y==0:Goto AMB:If Yø0 and Zø0:Then:ð(Yò+Zò-2Y*Z cos A)üX :cosñ ((Zò+Xò-Yò)/(2*X*Z))üB:round(B,6)üB:Goto NEW:End:End :Lbl B:If imag Bø0:Then:Disp "NO TRIANGLE":Goto A:End :If Bø0:Then:180-A-BüC:If Zø0:Then:If Xø0:Then :If Yø0:Goto NEW:End:End :If Zø0 and X==0:(Z sin A)/sin CüX :If Xø0 and Y==0:(X sin B)/sin AüY :If Yø0 and Z==0:(Y sin C)/sin BüZ:Goto B:End :Lbl AMB:If Y==0:Then:Disp "Use Aôb a":Goto A:End :sinñ (Y sin A/X)üB:180-BüF:180-F-AüE:(Y sin E)/sin FüW:Goto B :Lbl NEW:180-A-BüC:.5(Y*Z sin A)üK:ClLCD :Outpt(1,1,"Aô="):Outpt(1,4,A) :Outpt(2,1,"Bô="):Outpt(2,4,B) :Outpt(3,1,"Cô="):Outpt(3,4,C) :Outpt(6,1,"a="):Outpt(6,3,X) :Outpt(7,1,"b="):Outpt(7,3,Y) :Outpt(8,1,"c="):Outpt(8,3,Z) :If P==0:Then :Outpt(4,1,"AREA="):Outpt(4,6,K):Else :Outpt(4,1,"ëô="):Outpt(4,4,F) :Outpt(5,1,"ìô="):Outpt(5,4,E) :Outpt(8,11," ²= "):Outpt(8,14,W):End:Goto A :